Monday, August 31, 2015

Minder - A Fridge Too Far (1994)

Episode can be viewed on You Tube here :

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!

It's smart of you to post stills with a link to the video source, rather than just the video source. Several of the YouTube that appeared in earlier posts have been pulled from YouTube.

You might want to check out the YouTube channels fuckg00gle (StockingMask Fetish) and Joe Vanos for other entries for your blog.

A couple of clips you might want to include are "Tatort Kurzschluss (1_5)", "Romanzo Criminale - Mo semo' quea faccia che artro voi esse'!", and "Rapina alla concessionaria Librano, Dandi, Freddo"

There are also a few episodes of "The Sweeney" including "Thou Shalt Not Kill", "Jackpot" and "Contact Breaker".

Finally, check out the film "The Usual Suspects" for their stocking mask robbery sequence.

Take care!