Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 2012

After last month's trip back to the 70s let's get back up to date with some 21st century stocking mask action!

Heartbeat (2004)
Now defunt UK police drama set in the 60s was one you could always rely on. Tan stocking masks and black leather jackets were nearly always the robbers' dress code

Medium (2006)
Pre-title dream sequence from the US supernatural drama.

The Bill (2001)
The now defunt UK weekly crime drama never had that much in the way of masked scenes but the odd golden moments did occur.

Velvet Soup (2002)
Very forgettable UK comedy sketch made in Glasgow. Will almost never be repeated or made available on DVD

The Raspberry Reich (2004)
German political gay porn movie with some additional scenes to the ones first posted on this blog.


Anonymous said...

Brilliant pictures. Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

theres a nother episode of heartbeat where theres a guy who first holds up a post office van then later in the show he walks in to a post office holding a sawn off shot gun and wearing a tan stocking mask. good episode.