Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 2012

A short update before a larger one next month.

Here's some caps from an episode of season 4 of US series The Pretender.

And some identification needed for these pics lifted from a yahoo group some years ago.

Would love to know which TV series/movie these are from.


Anonymous said...

more more! love mean guys in stocking masks want to see loads more preferably ones we havent seen before stocking masks rock get totally turned on by them.

Anonymous said...

still no update this site is way too slow to keep an interest. its the same pics for months

Anonymous said...

i agree think the owner has run out of ideas sad really could have been a great site

Anonymous said...

I appreciate what the owner of this site is doing. He's posted some great pictures which would not of seen the light of day if he had not put them up. Some gratitude for the effort he is putting in from me at least.